Doutor em Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação
Storrs, Estados Unidos da América
4 up to 5 Years
Tempo integral
18 Dec 2024
Jan 2025
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Os sistemas eletrônicos manipulam correntes elétricas usando dispositivos como transistores, diodos e circuitos integrados. Esses componentes controlam ou amplificam o fluxo de corrente e o convertem de uma forma para outra.
A fotônica envolve a manipulação da luz (na forma de fótons) por meio de emissão, transmissão, modulação, processamento de sinal, comutação, amplificação e detecção. Esta área de pesquisa envolve muitas tecnologias exclusivas, incluindo lasers, fibras ópticas, ferramentas de imagem e plasma.
A eletrônica e a fotônica são usadas em aplicações como comunicações, computação, defesa, diagnósticos médicos, fabricação e muito mais.
Bolsas de estudo e financiamento
In order for an applicant to be considered for one of the following fellowships, the applicant must select that they wish to be considered in SLATE. Recipients of these fellowships will be the most academically promising members of the entering class of graduate students at the University of Connecticut. The criteria used to select recipients include the following:
- Evidence of scholarly or creative achievement highlighted by the department or program in their nomination and evidence that the department or program provides the environment necessary for success in the areas of interest highlighted by the applicant.
- Evidence of any prior scholarly or creative achievement by the nominee, e.g., publications, presentations, exhibits, performances.
- Evidence that the nominee has been successful at previous academic institutions, e.g., letters of recommendation.
- Quantitative evidence of academic accomplishment, e.g., undergraduate grade point average, GMAT (when available).
The Jorgensen Fellowship (JF) is available to outstanding young scholars applying to doctoral programs. The award consists of a service-free fellowship providing a $20,000 annual stipend for five years.
In addition, to be eligible for either the fellowships below, applicants must demonstrate a commitment to enhancing diversity in higher education and/or a commitment to enhancing diversity in their field of study.
- The Harriott Fellowship (HF) is available to outstanding young scholars applying to doctoral programs. The award consists of a service-free fellowship providing a $20,000 annual stipend for five years.
- The Crandall Fellowship (CF) is available to outstanding young scholars applying to master’s programs. The award consists of a service-free fellowship providing a $20,000 annual stipend for two years (MFA is for three years).
For HF and CF fellowships students must submit a diversity statement through the SLATE application system. Students can demonstrate a commitment to enhancing diversity in higher education through participation in organizations or activities that (a) directly relate to increasing access to higher education and retention in higher education of individuals, regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, cultural background, religion, or beliefs or (b) that help to ensure that individuals are welcomed and included in higher education environments regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, cultural background, religion, or beliefs. Such organization and activities might include participation/affiliation with TRIO programs, cultural/affinity organizations/centers, volunteer experiences, and college or university committees focused on these goals. Students provide evidence of this commitment through research and educational experience reflected on their CV/resume (articles, presentations, internship, and research experience), in their personal statement, or in letters of recommendations.
Os requisitos do curso variam dependendo da concentração ou faixa escolhida
- Concentração Eletrônica, Fotônica e Biofotônica:
Ph.D. os requisitos do curso são os mesmos listados no catálogo de pós-graduação: *com o seguinte acréscimo: - Dois créditos de trabalho de seminário ECE 6094 são exigidos de todos os alunos de doutorado.
- Máximo de seis créditos do ECE 6099 (estudo independente) para os créditos exigidos.
- Concentração de informação, comunicações, decisão e biossistemas e trilha de energia e energia
English Language Requirements
Certifique sua proficiência em inglês com o Duolingo English Test! O DET é um teste de inglês online conveniente, rápido e acessível, aceito por mais de 4.000 universidades (como esta) em todo o mundo.